Diploma in Education and Training

This qualification prepares trainee teachers to teach in a range of contexts.

There is a significant practice requirement as this qualification will assess,

and provide evidence of, competence when undertaking teaching and/or

training responsibilities.

It can meet the needs of a range of trainee teachers, including:

 individuals who are not currently teaching and training but who can meet

the practice requirements, including the observed and assessed

practice requirements, of the qualification.

  • individuals who are currently teaching and training (including those who

have just begun teaching and training) who can meet the practice

requirements, including the observed and assessed practice

requirements, of the qualification.

  • individuals who are currently working as assessors and who wish to

achieve a teaching qualification.

How long does it take to complete?

The qualification usually takes 12 months.

Staff will be allocated a personal tutor who will be an experienced and highly qualified teacher who will provide unlimited support throughout the course via online tutorials, emails and phone calls.

The qualification provides an introduction to teaching and aims to meet the needs of a range of trainee teachers, such as:
- Individuals not currently in a teaching or training role.
- Individuals currently teaching and training (including those who have just begun teaching and training).
- Individuals currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a qualification that provides an introduction to teaching.



Learners who achieve this qualification could progress to:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Qualified

Teacher Status (QTS)

Learners may also progress into employment as a tutor within:

  • further education colleges
  • adult and community education providers
  • offender education
  • work-based learning providers
  • the third/voluntary sector
  • independent training organisations

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