My name is Robert and I have been a carer for over 5 years now.
Four years ago I made a decision to undertake a diploma course Level 3 in Health and Social Care. But I had to choose a school. Not any School. I wanted the best one. After going through many different school offers, I came across the Limm Skills School which seemed to meet all my expectations. And I was not wrong. I have met a wonderful assessor there. His name is Walter and he is totally devoted to his work.
He helped me a lot, was very supportive and patient. After completing my diploma he suggested a new course. It was brilliant! He had an idea for my new path of development and career. So first I decided to undertake a Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievements and then a Diploma Level 5 in Care Leadership and Management.
I am very pleased with my choice of this school and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who wants to get a good education.

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